Saint Leo University


Degrees at Saint Leo University

Saint Leo University appears in our ranking of the 20 Best Online Schools for Forensic Psychology.

The student-to-faculty ratio at Saint Leo University is a low 12:1, and almost half of all the classes offered have fewer than 20 students enrolled. Some of the most popular programs offered at the university include those in business, management, homeland security, law enforcement, computer and information sciences, parks & recreation, and psychology. Around 72 percent of students in their first year of college decides to return to the university for a second year.

High school students can qualify for the dual enrollment program, which can help students save money on the overall cost of their education by taking college classes while still enrolled in high school. Students must meet several academic qualifications like being enrolled in the junior or senior level of high school and having an unweighted GPA of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. Students will work with a dual enrollment advisor to set up their classes.

Another option for students at Saint Leo University is the institution’s online learning option, where students can enroll online in classes for undergraduate and graduate classes. The online classes are designed for adult learners interested in topics of study like accounting, health care management, business, and criminal justice.

Online learning is delivered in the university’s Flexible Learning Experience (FLEX), where students can enroll in classes held at education centers around the state of Florida, as well as in hybrid classes where some time is spent in the classroom, and the rest of the enrollment is spent in online study. Students who are high achieving can participate in the Delta Epsilon Sigma honor society, whether they enroll in online classes or in classes held at physical locations.

A sampling of degrees that offer the convenience of campus, online, and education center class options include the Associate of Arts in Business Administration, the Bachelor of Arts in Accounting, and the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (grades K-6). Other degrees available in multiple formats include the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, the Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration, and the graduate-level Master of Business Administration in Accounting, Cybersecurity Management, Data Analytics, and a handful of other areas.

About Saint Leo University

Saint Leo University is affiliated with the Catholic Church and the Order of Saint Benedict. The university and its associated abbey are both named after Pope Leo the Great, who was the Bishop of Rome around 1,500 years ago. The school has about 11,800 students attending, with about 60 percent of students attending online classes and the rest attending on campus. Established in 1889, the school bears the distinction as the first Roman Catholic college in the State of Florida.

The school’s official colors are green and gold, and students participate in NCAA Division II games as the Lions in their Sunshine State games. The rural campus is in the community of Saint Leo, but students can attend classes from anywhere in the world through the university’s online campus. After its founding in the 19th century, the school would operate as a junior institution until it gained college status in 1959.

Saint Leo University Accreditation Details

Regional accreditation for Saint Leo University is granted by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, which allows the university to award degrees from the associate to the doctoral level. Regional accreditation allows students to transfer credits to and from the university with other accredited institutions. Various programs administered by the university, as well as some of the departments, are accredited by other agencies.

For example, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs gained initial accreditation at the close of 2014. The university’s Bachelor of Social Work and the Master of Social Work are both accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education. The sport business program at the undergraduate level is accredited by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation.

Saint Leo University Application Requirements

Incoming freshmen applications to Saint Leo University must include evidence of having completed specific classes in high school that include four years of English, three years of mathematics, two years of science, and a handful of other requirements. Students can send in a traditional paper application or apply online, and must also send high school transcripts and standardized test scores and can send an optional letter of recommendation.

Students who apply to online classes at Saint Leo University can enroll at any time since admissions are rolling, and there are six different start dates throughout the year. The application process for online students includes filling out an online application, submitting a $45 non-refundable application fee, and submitting proof of having graduated from high school. Students must also submit official academic transcripts, professional training documentation, and standardized test scores.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students who enroll at Saint Leo University as undergraduate students will pay $36,860 per year for tuition, a room, a meal plan, and the Student Activity & Technology Fee. Students will also pay an estimated $1,056 for books, $1,872 for personal costs, and $808 for travel costs. The amount a student pays may vary based on the meal plan the student chooses. Meal plans vary between $230 and $5,250 a year.

Meanwhile, students who enroll in programs online will pay tuition by the credit hour that is based on the level of their program. Associate and bachelor degrees are charged at $370 per credit hour, certificate programs are charged at $250 per credit hour, and students in the Navy Pace program pay $200 per credit.

Students can apply for financial aid when they attend Saint Leo University if they can’t afford the total cost of their education but should apply in any case since they might be eligible for scholarships that don’t need to be repaid after graduation. Types of aid that may be offered to students include loans, grants, scholarships, and federal work-study awards.

Receiving financial aid through the federal loan program requires submission of a FAFSA form in advance of enrolling for classes. The university offers several freshmen scholarships that can reach a total of $13,000 to be paid toward tuition and fees. Scholarships at Saint Leo University include the Presidential Award of $13,000, the Excellence Award of $10,000, and the Dean’s Award of $11,500.