Franklin Pierce University


Undergraduate & Graduate Degrees at Franklin Pierce University

Franklin Pierce University appears in our ranking of the 20 Best Online Schools for Marketing.

Franklin Pierce University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees to prospective students from divisions like the College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, and the College of Health & Natural Sciences. Students may also study within the School of Education. In addition to full degree programs, the university also offers various certificate programs and opportunities for study abroad sessions and summer classes.

Some of the popular areas of study for students at Franklin Pierce University include degrees in the health professions, business, homeland security, parks & recreation, and psychology. The student-faculty ratio is 12:1, and the school features more than 60 percent of its classes with fewer than 20 students.

The university is one of several in the Monadnock Region that offers dual enrollment programs with opportunities for students attending classes at schools like Keene High School, Conant High School in Jaffrey, and Monadnock Regional High School in Swanzey. High school students can inquire with their school’s administrative staff to see if their institution participates in the program with Franklin Pierce University.

Some of the degrees available to undergraduate students at the university include a Bachelor of Science in Accounting & Finance, a Bachelor of Science in Sports & Recreation Management, and a Bachelor of Arts in Emergency Medical Services. Undergraduate applicants may also pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media Design, a Bachelor of Nursing, or a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

There are several minors and certificate programs that students may use to augment their degree experience. Options include minors in chemistry, public health, advertising, public relations, forensic psychology, and intelligence & security studies. Certificate programs include those in documentary studies, women in leadership, global citizenship, sustainability, human services, and paralegal studies.

Graduate studies at Franklin Pierce University are available in many areas, too, with programs in physical therapy, information technology, nursing, and sports management. There are also several programs in education that are available like the Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction, the Master of Education in Secondary Life Sciences 7-12, and the Master of Education in Special Education.

About Franklin Pierce University

Franklin Pierce University is located in Rindge, New Hampshire, and has been in operation since 1962 when it was founded as Franklin Pierce College. The school is a few miles away from local landmarks like Mount Monadnock, and the institution also overlooks a large body of water known as Pearly Pond. The university’s official colors are gray and crimson, and the school’s mascot is the Raven.

A newspaper in operation at the university is known as the Pierce Arrow. In addition to the main campus in Rindge, the university also has smaller campuses in the cities of Portsmouth, Manchester, and Lebanon, as well as a campus in Goodyear, Arizona. Approximately 2,380 students attend the university, which also employs more than 325 academic faculty members. Athletics are played in the Northeast-10 Conference, which is part of NCAA Division II sports.

Franklin Pierce University Accreditation Details

Accreditation for Franklin Pierce University has been granted by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The university was first accredited in 1968, and the accreditation is valid for the campuses in New Hampshire and Arizona. The university also has some programs that are accredited by individual agencies. One such programmatic accreditation comes from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing has accredited the Master of Science in Nursing and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The university’s business programs are accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education. Programs in education are approved by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. Further, the university is authorized to operate as a postsecondary institution by the State of New Hampshire.

Franklin Pierce University Application Requirements

Admissions criteria for students who want to attend Franklin Pierce University starts with the student’s completion of recommended high school coursework. Students must complete four units of English, three units of math, three units of social science, and three units of laboratory science. Prospective students must also send their transcripts from high school, as well as SAT or ACT scores directly to the university.

In addition to academic records, applicants must also have a counselor or academic teacher provide a letter of recommendation, and students must also complete an essay of at least 250 words. The essay should discuss an issue of personal interest, as well as share information on a person who has had a significant influence on the student. Students interested in readmission to the university will need to use the official readmission application.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Franklin Pierce University is a private university and charges the same tuition rates for all students regardless of their residency status. For students enrolled in an undergraduate program, the total for tuition is $35,900 per year. Students will also pay $8,100 per year for a room and $5,800 per year for a meal plan. The university also charges an administration fee of $3,200. In all, students are estimated to pay $53,000 per year to attend the university.

The overall amount a student might pay may differ depending on the meal plan and housing options the student chooses. For graduate study in programs that include the MBA, MSN, and Med degrees, the university charges $665 per credit, which means 3-credit courses are $1,995. Students may also audit a course for $400. Students in the Master of Physician Assistant Studies program pay $11,7000 per term. The Doctor of Physical Therapy program is also $11,700 per term.

The university shares that 100 percent of students who attend the school receive some type of financial aid. Financial aid awards are handled by the university’s Office of Student Financial Services. To qualify for federal student loans, applicants must submit a FAFSA form, and receiving aid means officially accepting the financial aid award. Financial assistance may include loans, scholarships, or grants.

The university examines all applications to the university to determine whether students are eligible for merit-based aid. There are several scholarships available that students may receive if they demonstrate high academic performance. Scholarships from Franklin Pierce University include the Presidential Scholarship, the Provost Scholarship, and the Trustee Scholarship.