Is an Online Accounting Degree Looked on Favorably in the Industry?

Distance education programs make it possible to earn an online accounting degree while you balance work, life and school. While online degree programs are becoming increasingly popular in virtually all fields, degrees are perceived differently in every industry. Some hiring managers will frown upon an online degree that is plastered on a resume and others see the distance programs and see them as a great sign that the candidate can stay motivated. Read on, and find out how accounting degrees earned online will be valued before you enroll in classes.

Perceptions is Influenced By the Program and the Institution

As the number of candidates who possess online degrees begins to rise, more and more hiring managers are learning to accept the distance degree in all professional fields. With this being said, a stigma still exists if you earn your degree from the wrong institution. There were once diploma mills who would offer a degree to anyone willing to pay exorbitant tuition fees, but more is being done to buckle down on these unaccredited programs.

To avoid enrolling in a program that has created negative perceptions you should do your homework. Only attend programs that are accredited by a respected professional agency like the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The AACSB will oversee the curriculum that is delivered and evaluate whether or not the curriculum meets specific objectives and standards. As long as the online program has a programmatic AACSB accreditation and is in good standing with the association, the recruiters will accept your degree.

Accountants Need to be Organized and Self-Disciplined

Many students might assume that they will pay for the convenience of an online degree when they start their job search, but that is not the case within the accounting industry. Many employers in other professions would prefer a student who networked with other business professionals or who developed face-to-face communication skills, but this is not true always true in accounting due to the work environment and the skills that are needed.

Accounting recruiters might actually see an online degree as an asset because it shows that the student was able to organize their time and stay disciplined without being micro-managed by a professor. If you can show the employer that you had other obligations while you were studying for your degree and you still successfully graduated, having an online degree can show how much you are able to balance in life.

How Can You Use Your Online Degree to Get Attention

Online accounting classes aren’t for everyone, but if you are a good fit then you can use distance education as a way to market yourself. When you build your resume, focus on the relevant skills you gained from studying online. Being independent, being a quick learner, organizational skills and productivity are all things that are being looked for. While you interview, market yourself and embrace the online learning so that it can be a positive.

Old-school recruiters may still prefer traditional degrees, but online degrees are becoming more accepted in the field. Since there are programs and tools that help students get just as good of an education on the computer, it is an option to consider. Compare the online accounting degree and the traditional degree and decide which is best for you.